- Angels
- Which angels are mentioned in the Quran?
What are the names of the angels mentioned in the Quran?
- What Are the Differences Between the Angels And the Humanbeings?
Could you explain the differences between the angels and the humanbeings?
- Does Soul Get Worse?
Does soul have any levels? Can it improve and deteriorate?
- Has Anyone Seen Angels?
Is it possible for people to see the angels? Did our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) see Gabriel in his genuine appearance?
- What is “evil-commanding soul”?
What is evil-commanding soul? Could you explain its features?
- Pay of Angels
Do angels get any pay or reward in return for their work?
- What is soul?
What is soul? Is soul the same as life? What's soul like?
- Proofs of Angels
How can we believe the existence of angels? Are there any proves?
- Did All Souls Prostrate Allah?
It's reported that, in the realm of souls some of the souls prostrated Allah while some didn't. Is it true? Were souls subjected to a test before coming into this world and some became rebellious while the others were obedient?
- Do Angels Love People?
Do angels love people? If they do, is it because Allah (swt) commands them so or is it because of their own will and preference to love?