- Sins and Repentance
- Question about Sin and Repentance
I have a question ,I don't remember whether I've commited a sin or not what should I do? Should I think I have done it?
- What is Tawbatun Nasuh?
What is Tawba Nasooh? How should it be made? What is the importance of Tawba Nasooh? How is Tawbatun nasuh made? How has Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) described Tawba Nasooh?
- How to make tawba?
What are the essentials of repentance (tawbah) that we should consider to be accepted? What are the conditions for an accepted tawbah?
- What is istighfar? What is its importance in Islam?
What does istighfar mean? What are the virtues of istighfar?
- If Being Sinner Is in my Destiny, Why the Guilty Is me?
If being sinner is written in my destiny by Allah, then why does He hold me responsible for my sins?
- Do we gain thawab for the sins we abandon?
If we do something inherently right (ie. be truthful in a scenario where it may be difficult), is it recorded as a good deed or simply "not a sin"?
- Importance of Tawba
Could you give some information about the importance of tawba?
- What does “sin” mean? Why do people commit sin?
What does "sin" mean? Why does God create sins that lead people to the hell?