Do Those Who Die While Intoxicated Lose Their Faith?

If a Muslim who drinks alcohol die before repentance, will he be able to get into the jannah?

One who dies intoxicated is in danger of passing away faithlessly

Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar;
“Whosoever drinks, alcohol even though he does not get intoxicated, as long as he has a drop of wine in his stomach and in his veins, his salah will not be accepted. If he dies while he is in that situation, he dies as an infidel. The salah of that who drinks alcohol and get intoxicated is not accepted for forty days and if he dies in that situation, he dies as an infidel.” (Nasai)
"Whosoever drinks wine, Allah will not accept his prayer for 40 days. If he seeks repentance Allah will forgive him. And if he repeats it Allah will not accept his prayer for 40 days. If he seeks repentance Allah will forgive him. And if he repeats it again Allah will not accept his prayer for 40 days. If he seeks repentance Allah will forgive him. If he repeats it for the fourth time Allah will not accept his prayer for 40 days. If he seeks repentance Allah will not accept it and he will be made to drink from the river of impurities (of the inmates of hell). (Tirmidhi, Nasai, Ibn Majah and Daarami from Ibn Amr)
“Alcohol is the mother of all evil.

The salah of one who drinks alcohol is not accepted for forty days

. If he dies while intoxicated, he passes away in the state of the deceased in ignorance.” (Jami-us Sagir)
Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar :
“Every intoxicant is Khamr and every intoxicant is forbidden.

He who drinks wine in this world and dies while he is addicted to it, not having repented, will not be given a drink in the Hereafter.


Scholars interpret this hadith as following:


(ra) stated about this hadith that:
“This hadith means that; even if such a person gets into the jannah, he will be deprived of the wine (a kind of drink in jannah) in jannah, because “jannah wine” is the supreme drink in jannah and those who commit the sin of drinking alcohol will be deprived of this supreme drink because of their sin.
However, it is firm with the Quranic ayah that anything that people of jannah desire will exist there. Therefore, some scholars say that when such a person (who used to drink alcohol in his life) gets into jannah, he will not know the jannah wine, so he will not desire it. Some other scholars say that even though he will know the jannah wine, he will have no desire to drink it. Thus, they will be deprived of this bounty of jannah while other Muslims are rewarded with it.
According to a view, the aforementioned hadith indicates that those who drink alcohol and die before repentance will not be able to get into the jannah, because people of jannah will drink the jannah wine. If they will not, it means that they will not enter the jannah.

Ibn-ul Arabi

stated that;
“A person who drinks alcohol dies either without repentance or after repentance. If he dies after repentance, in other words if he gives up drinking alcohol, turns to Allah (swt) and straightens his situation and die after that, he will be as if he never committed the sins he repented.
If he dies without repentance, according to the ahl-I sunnah view, he is up to the will of Allah (swt). Allah (swt) either forgives him or punishes if He wills. If he is punished, since he died as a Mumin (as a believer), he will not stay in the hell forever; after his punishment he will go out of the fire and get into the jannah thanks to his faith.
As to the issue whether he will drink jannah wine or not; according to the views of some sahabas and some ahl-I sunnah scholars, he will not be able to drink jannah wine, because he drank alcohol in the world. Therefore, he will be deprived of this bounty.
In my opinion, if this hadith needs to be interpreted, the most appropriate interpretation is that; if he drinks alcohol in the world and dies before giving up and repenting, he will not get into the jannah with those who enter jannah first; in other words he will not deserve it (getting into jannah first).”


stated that:
“In my opinion, it can be interpreted in another way that is the following situation indicated and explained by the ulama: A Muslim who drinks alcohol and dies before giving up and repenting, he is in danger of passing away faithlessly. In other words, alcohol is amongst the sins which may cause dying faithlessly. May Allah protect the Muslims. We seek refuge in Allah from this danger.” (Sunan-i ibn-I Majah)

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