Does ejaculation without sexual intercourse break fast?

If ejaculation of semen occurs as a result of foreplay activities with wife during fasting in Ramadan, is fast invalidated? What is the penalty for that?

According to the four sunni schools, sexual intercourse occurs when a part of the penis (at least the circumcised part of it) inserts into the vagina. If sexual intercourse takes place during Ramadan fasting, the fast is invalidated and requires both qada (compensation re-fasting the broken day after Ramadan) and kaffarah (fasting for 60 consecutive days).

Conjugal relations like kissing, touching, hugging which don’t result in sexual intercourse and which semen does not come out, do not invalidate the fast. However, if semen comes out as a result, the fast is broken and requires just qada. It doesn’t require kaffarah since sexual intercourse (insertion of the male organ) does not occur. It is accepted so in the three schools of thought Hanafi, Shafi and Hanbali.

According to Maliki school of thought, if ejaculation of semen occurs as a result of kissing or other Conjugal relations except sexual intercourse, the fast is broken and entails both qada and kaffarah.

(Source: Islamic Jurisprudence and its Proofs, vol; 3)

Our Prophet (pbuh) says in his hadith;

“"Whoever breaks his fast without an excuse such as illness, travel he can never compensate this broken fast no matter how many days he fasts during his lifetime." (Tirmizi, Nasai, Abu Davud, İbn Maja, İbn Huzayma)

As the fasting in Ramadan is so valuable and respectful, Muslims should be careful about it and abstain from the activities that may harm fast. The best thing to do In such situations is to be patient remembering that there is no prohibition on having sexual intercourse during the nights of Ramadan as stated in the ayah:

“It is made lawful for you to go unto your wives on the night of the fast.” (Surah al-Baqarah; 187)


For detailed information about “kaffarah”, you can read the article entitled “What is the kaffarah for fasting?



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