How long should a person stay in itikaf?

What is the minimum and maximum period of itikaf?

The shortest period of itikaf is one day, the longest period is ten days

The shortest period of itikaf is one day; the longest period is ten days. (Kutub al-Sittah)

Scholars have different opinions about the shortest  period of itikaf.

According to Imam Abu Yusuf the shortest period of an itikaf is one day (as stated in the hadith.)         

Imam Muhammad is of the opinion that the shortest period is one hour. However, according to the fiqh scholars, “one hour” does not refer to the one twenty fourth of a day; it denotes the indefinite part of time whether it is more or less.

Maliki School’s view is that, shortest period of itikaf is one day.

According to the Shafi School, it is a very short period of time that is just little longer than saying “Subhanallah”. (Great Islamic Jurisprudence)


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