- Morals
- Is it Haram to Lie as a Joke?
Is it permissible to lie to make people laugh? Can I tell small lies as a joke or to amuse people?
- How to Overcome the Sexual Desires and Masturbation
How can a Muslim overcome sexual desires and give up masturbation?
- How can I overcome jealousy?
Is it possible to rid myself of envy (hasad)? How can I get rid of this feeling?
- Boy and Girl Relationship Through Phone
Is a boy and a girl allowed to satisfy themselves by just do sex by using phone not physicially?
- Waswasa After Salah and Solutions
After performing Fard namaz, I smell something foul around me for about a minute or two. It's not a coincidence since I have often observed this. It happens to me only after fard, not nafila nor sunnah and only when I’m alone in the room. Why is this happening to me? Does anyone else face such things?
- Boy- Girl Relationships in Islam
In islam can muslim men and women be friends if their intentions are pure,just friends not boyfriend or girlfriend? “I do not exculpate myself. Lo! the (human) soul enjoineth unto evil, save that whereon my Lord hath mercy. Lo! My Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.” (Surah al Yusuf, 53)
- Is the person who breaks his promise regarded as a liar?
Is it a kind of lie if I give a promise but do not keep? Is breaking a promise considered lying?
- What is Lying?
What is the Islamic perspective on lying?
- Not Talking to Another Muslim for More Than Three Days
What do Quran and hadith say about not talking to another muslim for more than three days?
- Not Talking to Another Muslim for Three Days
What do Quran and hadith say about not talking to another muslim for more than three days?