I have had some intimate moments with my fiancee though not sexual intercourse. i know its wrong i avoid it but he wants more of it. as he sure we will marry? what do I do help me?
Who are the unmarriageable female relatives in Islam? Can a person marry his mother’s sister?
Are there any verses in Quran about being good to parents and silat ur Rahim (maintaining ties of kinship)?
I am married. 3 years before, I lost all my sexual desires. I really feel bad for my wife as she is young. Please suggest what shall I do?
In Islam, parents are enjoined to be well-behaved and respected. What about the irresponsible parents who do not care for their children? Should children respect parents for all their irresponsibilities?
I would really appreciate to know if we can do a wedding reception during the month of Shabaan. let's say 1oth
Can I disobey my parents if they do not let me go to the masjid for prayer?
Is it fard to maintain good relations with relatives in Islam?
What will be the stiuation of those who rebel against parents in the hereafter?