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Importance, Reward and Benefits of Hajj
Is one qurbani sufficient for the whole family?
What are the evidences of Hajj being obligatory?
The First Sacrifice Order
What Does Sacrifice Mean in Islam?
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The Necessity and Importance of Islamic Unity
An Islamic Perspective on Treatment of Animals
Time to Quit Smoking
The Most Generous Human Being: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Has the Quran Been Distorted?
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Inheritance of ancestral property
Is it impossible for someone in the United Kingdom to go to University?
disobedience to parents
What does "fasting" (sawm) mean?
Gifts given to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’s ummah in the Holy Month of Ramadan
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Boy- Girl Relationships in Islam
Does Quran mention other creatures living in the universe?
Why Does Allah Use the Pronoun “We” Instead of “I” Referring to Himself in Some Verses?
Is Woman Voice Forbidden in Islam?
Which prophets were the holy books sent down to?
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