- Fiqh- Islamic Jurisprudence
- Can a menstruating woman cut her nails or hair?
Is it permissible to cut nails or hair during menstruation?
- Can I listen to Quran while working?
Can I listen to the Quran while I’m working in my office? I want to listen as much as possible but I’m concerned that it might be disrespect to the words of Allah (swt)?
- Are adults allowed to play with toys with face?
Are adults allowed to play with toys with face (such as teddy bears)?
- Is it permissible to have Quran in the bedroom?
What is the ruling on keeping Al-Quran Al-Kareem in the bedroom?
- Inheritors of an Unmarried Lady
A woman dies unmarried and left behind her father,brother and two sisters.How will her estate be distributed?
- Must We Repeat Our Ibadah After Finding out It Was Not Done properly?
Must we repeat our ibadah (praying and fasting) after finding out it was not done properly?
- What is ruling on a woman's getting her haircut by a man?
What is ruling on a woman's getting her haircut by by men?
- Is It Permissible for Women to Visit Graveyard while menstruating?
Are women allowed to visit graves during their monthly periods?
- Women visiting graves
Are women allowed to visit graves during her monthly periods? Please answer in the light of Quran and Sunnah.
- What does fiqh mean?
Can you give short information about "fiqh"?